Hi there! We are the Tanner Family.

God called us to Missionary Acres, and we’re excited to serve Him!
Here’s a quick introduction to each member of our family:
Bryan is the leader of the Tanner Tribe. He spends his days helping the other staff members and the residents here at Missionary Acres.
Lisa left a teaching career to homeschool the blessings God has given the family. She’s also a freelance writer and virtual assistant and helps busy moms carve out time for home businesses of their own.
Jayme (22)
Our oldest blessing, Jayme, is a junior at College of the Ozarks near Branson, MO. She’s studying graphic design.
Owen (18)
God made Owen a little different than many people. He’s missing a portion of his 15th chromosome, which means he has Angelman Syndrome. Though Owen learned to walk at age 7, he doesn’t have the balance or endurance he needs to stay upright for long periods of time. When we’re out and about, you’ll find him in his wheelchair. Owen is nonverbal, so you’ll get a big grin but not a “Hello.”
Jeffrey (16)
Jeffrey is a hard worker with a keen eye for noticing what must be done. He loves building with LEGOs, playing board games, and putting together puzzles. He’s growing in his walk with the Lord and feels like full-time service will be in his future.
Ellie (14)
Ellie is creative. She loves crafts, coloring, and knitting hats. And beef jerky. No list of Ellie’s favorites would be complete without mentioning that!
Sydney (12)
Sydney loves helping people. She has a heart for others and is kind to everyone she meets. Sydney loves playing outside with the family, blowing bubbles, and drawing.
Simon (11)
Simon has lots of energy to run off each day. He enjoys playing active games, listening to audiobooks, and playing board games.
Brynna (9)
Brynna loves books. She enjoys listening to stories and drawing her own pictures to go with them. She loves to color and often creates things to share with her friends.
Bryson (7)
Bryson loves playing outside with his siblings. He also enjoys telling stories and making up his own games to play.
Tyler (6)
Tyler has lots of energy and loves to play with toys with wheels. He’s got quite an imagination!
Ezra (3)
Ezzie loves being outside and trying to keep up with his older siblings. But his little sister just might be his favorite person. He loves helping to hold her and talking to her.
Sally (1)
Little Sally joined the family at the end of December 2022 and is eager to keep up with all her siblings. She gets lots of love from everyone!